China Animation and Animation Festival – Hangzhou Animation and Animation Festival (CICAF) is organized by the National Radio and Television Administration, China Central Radio and Television and the government People’s Government of Zhejiang Province, and organized by the Hangzhou Municipal People’s Government, Zhejiang Provincial Radio and Television Bureau and Zhejiang Radio and Television Group. It is a domestic and international professional entertainment event and has also been listed as a key cultural business platform for the “Chinese Culture Exit Project” under the national cultural development and reform plan .
Since 2005, the China Drawing and Animation Festival-Hangzhou Drawing and Animation Festival (CICAF) has been permanently established in Hangzhou. With the aim of being “an entertainment event and a popular celebration”, it adheres to the objectives of “professionalization, internationalization, branding and marketing” and organizes. It has implemented more than 40 activities in five major sectors, including exhibitions, forums, business. , competitions and activities, and cultivated the animation industry exhibition, the “Golden Monkey Award” competition, the international animation and game video conference (iABC), the summit forum of the animation and game industry and China Super COSPLAY Festival, Voice Actor Competition, Animation Float Parade, Hangzhou. International Animation Festival Summit, International Animated Film Week, International Children’s Comic Contest and many more branded activities.
China Animation and Animation Festival – Hangzhou Animation and Animation Festival (CICAF) has become the largest, most popular and most influential professional animation event in China. It was successively included in the national “11th Five-Year Plan”, the “12th Five-Year Plan”. Cultural development of the “Annual Plan” and the “13th Five-Year Plan” The urban plan classifies it as one of the major cultural exhibitions. The latest exhibition also established six main sections: “project incubation, content production, distribution and communication, obtaining authorizations, talent cultivation and business support”, and organized 21 professional activities in various forms and contents pragmatic. A total of 2,086 businessmen from 20 countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Russia, Japan and South Korea, were invited to attend the conference, and 1,121 various projects were presented and published. This business conference brought together the world’s top companies in intellectual property, capital, information and technology, and established an effective cooperation and hosting platform for content distribution and monetization brands. It has achieved good results and been unanimously recognized by domestic and foreign traders.