EXCON INDIA, the International Construction Machinery Exhibition in Bangalore, India, is the largest, most international and professional exhibition in South Asia. Since 2005, the exhibition has been held every two years. With India’s continued investment in infrastructure construction and demand for construction machinery in the coming years, the number of international exhibitors participating in the exhibition will increase year by year and the scale of the exhibition will continue to expand.
EXCON INDIA, the international construction machinery exhibition in Bangalore, India, has an exhibition area of 260,000 square meters, with 918 exhibitors from 22 countries and regions participating, and a total of more than 60,000 professional visitors.
Organized by the China Council for Promotion of International Trade Machinery Industry Branch, the five-day exhibition will be held at the Bangalore International Convention and Exhibition Center in India. There are expected to be 1,000 exhibitors, all from China. , Indonesia, Malaysia, Russia, Dubai, the United States and Germany, Brazil, Australia, etc., with 60,000 visitors and an exhibition area of 260,000 square meters.
The China Construction Machinery Industry Association and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Machinery Industry Branch organized the participation of domestic enterprises in the exhibition for several consecutive sessions, and exhibitors obtained good results.
Exhibition Address: Bangalore International Convention and Exhibition Center
Sponsoring organization:China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Machinery Industry Branch
Standard stand price:
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Gross space stand price:
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Holding period:Every two years
Exhibition space:260,000 square meters
Number of exhibitors:918
Number of visitors:60,000 visitors
Things to note:There is a certain risk of change of time and location of exhibition, please confirm before attending.
工程机械: 挖掘机械、铲土运输机械、 筑养路机械、压实机械、 桩工及地下工程机械、 工程起重机械、 叉车、物流搬运、 高空作业和港口机械 建筑机械:钢筋切断、弯曲、拉直加工机械、钢筋预应力机械、砖瓦机械与新型建材机械、搅拌机、混凝土泵、混凝土输送泵.混凝土搅拌站、起重机、塔吊机、施工升降机、钻机、桩机、模板、模板修复机、混凝土配料站、振动机、脚手架及扣机、焊接设备、电梯及配件、其它建筑电器设备、检测仪器等; 矿山机械:掘进机械、 凿岩及风动工具破碎机械、 粉碎机械、筛分机械、输送机械、 洗矿选矿机械 专用车辆:重型卡车、 自卸车、混凝土运输车、 输送泵车、 大型拖车、多功能养护车、 道路清障车、 除雪车、清扫车、 加油车、 环卫车、 散装水泥运输车、 施工现场专用车及其他改装车辆 施工设备及建材机械:混凝土机械、 沥青设备、施工电梯、钢筋预应力机械、 模板及脚手架、 电动工具、 发电机组、 制砖机械、 预制混凝土构件生产成套设备与机械 配套件及服务提供商:发动机及发动机零件、底盘及传动部件、 液压与液力元件、 气动工具及元件、 电子控制元件 、 工作装置及机构、 密封件、 润滑设备、 轮胎、 座椅