Domestic and foreign breeding livestock and poultry, commercial breeding of livestock and poultry (pigs, poultry, cattle, sheep, rabbits, deer, fur animals, special breeding, etc.) and their production materials;
Production, processing, packaging machines, equipment, materials, veterinary equipment, veterinary drugs, vaccines, animal health products and veterinary drugs, etc.
Animal feed (food raw materials, feed additives, premixed feed with additives, concentrated feed, compound feed, special feed, etc.), machinery, processing equipment and accessories, testing instruments and equipment, control systems, software and hardware , animal feed formulation technology, etc. .;
Machinery, equipment, instruments, tools, engineering, etc. related to animal production and breeding (feeding equipment, ventilation equipment, temperature control equipment, environmental control equipment, standardized design of breeding facilities and technical construction);
Grass industry and its deeply processed products (grass powder, grass particles), grass seeds, lawn machines, grass industry technology, etc. ;
Scientific and technological achievements in selection (new products/technologies, new achievements, patented products, etc.).
Biomass energy (technologies linked to the use of biomass energy in livestock farming, etc.).
Packaging and transportation (animal and poultry production materials and packaging materials for livestock and poultry products, packaging machines and related transportation equipment, feed transportation trucks, breeding pigs, livestock transportation trucks poultry chicks, etc.).
Comprehensive services for the livestock industry (information, technology media, software, technology, consulting, finance, insurance, training, workwear, etc.). National basic breeding farm, standardized demonstration breeding farm and poultry, top 100 breeding enterprises and agricultural cooperatives.