Sensors, production and manufacturing equipment, accessories: material companies (special materials, ceramic components, piezoresistive ceramics, special glasses, protective films, ultrasound generators, light sources, optical components, etc.) manufacturing components (sensor ASIC, sensor interface IC, hybrid Circuits, LCD displays, sealed enclosures, connectors, circuit boards, refined bolts, power supplies, sonic components, thermometer protection tubes, special glue and other sensor accessories, etc.), companies manufacturing process equipment and platforms, packaging and testing companies, etc. .
Various sensing components, various actuators: MEMS chips, pressure, magnetosensitivity, magnetoresistance, gas, infrared, image, photoelectric, temperature, humidity, flow, liquid level, vision, ultrasound, acceleration, displacement, gyroscope, Er horoscope, force, optical fiber, acoustic, environment, RFID, chemistry, medical, micro, piezoelectric, electromagnetic, photoelectric, electrostatic, thermopneumatic actuator, micro transmission, micro valve, sensor smart, motion sensor, sensor network, wireless sensor network
Intelligent sensors, sensor fusion, embedded systems: suppliers and integrators of systems and solutions, embedded software publishers, embedded hardware manufacturers, algorithms, communication modules, cloud computing service providers
Smart solutions for vertical domains: smart cities, automobile manufacturing, industrial control