Trade show director launches mission on inclusion and diversity

Trade show director launches mission on inclusion and diversity

CHICAGO— Trade Show Executive (TSE) is launching an Inclusion and Diversity Task Force. Emerging from the premier resource for U.S. trade show executives and paired with a robust editorial board, the task force will be well-positioned to seek out experts in the field, cultivate content, and develop initiatives that will inform the TSE community of best practices in this area.

Boards around the world are reevaluating their organizational structures and reconsidering how they do business and who they partner with. Additionally, CEOs and executives are being called upon by current and prospective employees to create more diverse teams that also reflect the changing demographics of audiences and exhibitors around the world. Discovering how leaders can effectively implement and facilitate this type of change within their teams and work environments will be an imperative for the task force.

“I am incredibly proud to launch this initiative. We formed this important TSE task force to help us all meet in the moment and demonstrate our strength as an industry built on strong relationships. Being inclusive and having the support of our editorial board and the think tank that will lead the initiative is profound. It sends the right message to people looking to be a part of our industry,” said Gabrielle Weiss, Vice President and Editor-in-Chief of Trade Show Executive.

The goal of the task force is twofold. First, to identify content areas that will help leaders make rapid progress toward their diversity goals, and second, to foster discussions that highlight the rich opportunities that diversity brings to the industry while shining a spotlight on professionals from diverse backgrounds.

“Together, we will work to identify the key elements that will help our readers embrace the era of inclusion and diversity,” Weiss said. “Announcing the TSE Inclusion and Diversity Task Force on the first official federal holiday of Juneteenth is exciting, to say the least.”

This TSE Working Group is primarily composed and led by members of our Editorial Board. The official list of Working Group leaders will be announced soon. However, content ideas and feedback are welcome, and anyone interested in being part of the Working Group should

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