surf expo

Surf Expo rides the wave of growth of the show

ORLANDO, Florida– This month of September Surf Showthe leading watersports and coastal lifestyle show, was a success on all fronts, including an 18% increase in floor space compared to the previous year’s September show. Held at the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) in Orlando, Florida, from September 8-10, the show brought together more than 7,400 industry professionals, including over 645 exhibitors.

“The September 2022 edition marks the fourth event we have hosted since the pandemic, and with each successful edition, we continue to see our retailer attendance increase. Attendance increased 16% over last year,” said Roy Turner, Senior Vice President and Show Director, Surf Expo. “Several retailers returned from Hawaii, Puerto Rico, St. Johns and the surrounding Caribbean. The energy at the show was high and the feeling among buyers and brands was that they were happy to be back at Surf Expo and getting back to normal.”

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Launched in 1976, Surf Expo takes place in January and September at the OCCC and features apparel, sustainable products, accessories and gift brands, in addition to events such as fashion shows and awards ceremonies.

The September Surf Expo featured over 150 brands at the show, including Bartolo Beachwear, Benson, Carver Skateboards, Chasefire Outdoor, FoamLife, Guy Fox California, Hang Loose, Imago Portugal, iROCKER SUP, JBAY.ZONE, Johnny Fly, Lake Label, LaTAN Swim, Marine Layer, Martha, Mono Wakesurf, OneOne Swimwear, Phoozy, Puffin Coolers, Roostas, Saint Maddox, Salty Home, Seatec Outfitters, Sea & Grass, SMKFLWR, The Wave Hut and Trippy Outdoor.

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The show floor at this year’s Surf Expo was lively and reminiscent of the pre-pandemic days of face-to-face meetings. Many attendees spoke highly of the success of the three-day show, including Molly Buckley, owner of St. Croix Ultimate Bluewater Adventures, who said, “Surf Expo is great for our business. We’ve found several new lines to add to our ManCave store and we’ve been able to connect with our current suppliers, touch the products and chat face-to-face.”

Networking was a priority, with numerous brand-sponsored happy hours, free professional training workshops and numerous fashion shows. Surf Expo also hosted several special events and buyer benefits.

“Surf Expo is a vibrant, cool show that helps us conduct business with our retail partners in a way that feels like family,” said Lauren Behning of Dune Jewelry.

Keynote events included a keynote address titled “Transformation After Disruption – The Code to Surf the Next Wave” by world champion surfer, author and entrepreneur Shaun Tomson. Other events included the Surf Expo Industry Party presented by Body Glove and the Post Show Mixer presented by Atunas.

Surf Expo will be backFrom January 4 to 6, 2023in the west hall of the OCCC.

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