Why attend the CBE Guangzhou Luggage, Leather Goods and Handbags Exhibition?
Guangzhou CBE Bags, Leather Goods and Handbags Fair is the best one-stop shopping platform for high-end bags, leather and handbags in Asia. The latest exhibition covered an area of 36,800 square meters and had 632 exhibitors. The exhibition attracted 36,000 visitors and professional buyers from 27 countries and regions, of which about 48% were foreign buyers. Industry insiders once again asserted that this exhibition is a professional exhibition of bags, handbags and leather goods in mainland China, and is also one of the purchasing platforms unique for finished bags, materials and machinery in Asia.
Guangzhou CBE Luggage, Leather Goods and Handbags Fair has a large number of well-known brands. Some large companies have launched special presentations of new products, triggering waves of franchises. A considerable number of franchisees have already called the organizing committee to inquire about franchise issues; the exhibition established a special investment promotion zone for department stores including Hang Lung International, Meilong Town, Ganghui Plaza, Bailian Group, Golden Eagle International, Hong. Kong Plaza, Times Square and the World Trade Center have set up exhibition points on site. Shanghai No. 1 Department Store, Bailian Group, Oriental Department Store, Printemps Department Store, Huijin Department Store, Nouveau Monde Department Store, Pacific Department Store, Zhonglian Department Store, Yaohan, Liubai, Xinhualian, New Century, Tianyu, Guoxing Department Store , Jinye, Hundreds of retailers including Tesco, Wal-Mart, Trust-Mart, Supermarket, Jusco, Auchan, Century Lianhua, Lotus, Lawson, Hualian, Metro, Nong Gong Commerce, RT-Mart, Carrefour, PARKnSHOP, etc., came to visit us. and buy.
Exhibition Address: Guangzhou Poly World Trade Expo Center
Sponsoring organization:Guangzhou Luggage and Leather Goods Manager
Standard stand price:
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Gross space stand price:
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Hold cycle:Once a year
Exhibition space:36,800 square meters
Number of exhibitors:632 accommodations
Number of visitors:36,000 visitors
Things to note:Exhibition time and location are subject to change, so please confirm before attending.
Branded luggage, leather goods, handbags, belts, leather goods, belt accessories, leather fabrics, accessories, materials and accessories, technological and mechanical equipment