People Standing In A Convention Hall At Expo! Expo!

Find out what’s in store for you at IAEE Expo 2022! Expo!

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The International Association of Exhibitions and Events‘ (IAEE) annual Expo! Expo!The trade fair industry’s “trade fair for trade fairs” will be held at Kentucky International Convention Center December 14-15, with the Omni Louisville Hotel serving as a hotel for the head office.

New this year, the Training Day will take place on December 13, the day before the event rather than the last day as in previous years. Session topics include Grow Your Show; Content Creation, which will focus on expanding content for digital media; Bridging Relationships, which will focus on developing partnerships; and Game Plan Moves, which will focus on strategic and operational trade show design. Training sessions are open to full-meeting attendees only.

Networking will be at the heart of Expo! Expo! both on and off the show floor, including an opening reception at Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby. Other special events include a Chapter Leaders Forum, a Center for Exhibition Industry Research Specialized Session, an Executive Breakfast Specialized Session for senior executives, a MATSO Content and Cocktails Specialized Session for MATSO Organizers, a YP Experience Specialized Session for Young Professionals and a WLF Experience Specialized Session for Professional Women.

The December 14 general opening session will be hosted by Lauren Holiday, a former NCAA soccer player, member of the U.S. women’s soccer team, and three-time Olympic medalist. Despite all of her success on the field, Holiday has had to overcome personal obstacles off the field and will speak about the importance of determination and resilience.

Related. IAEE’s Expo! Shows How It’s Done in Philadelphia

Expo! 2022 also marks the 12thth Humanity Rocks Concert of the Year, sponsored by GHGand the profits from the event will be donated The Backside Learning Centera nonprofit organization that builds community and enriches the lives of working people Churchill Downsand their families. Humanity Rocks will take place on December 14 at Tavern on Fourth Street Live. Attendees will also be able to take part in the Gift of Service activation, which will begin in the Education Zone on December 13 and move to the living room in the following days.

A variety of CEM courses for those working toward certification will be offered, and the CEM Class of 2022 will be recognized onstage with the industry’s mark of distinction on December 14.

“We are thrilled to finally have our flagship event in Louisville this December,” said David DuBois, CMP-F, CAE, FASAE, CTA, IAEE President and CEO. “The events industry is resilient and strong. Our attendee and exhibitor numbers are on track to bring a vibrant marketplace and meetings to the ecosystem.”

Check out the Expo! Expo! program here.

Contact David DuBois at (972) 687-9204 or [email protected]

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Monday to Friday 8:00 AM—8:00 PM

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